Why do parents weep?

It is a pity to see some parents

gloomy and panic in society

due to their own sons and daughters

whom they fed, nurtured and taught.

With simple life and faith,

Tolerance and hard work,

Parents survived indigence and hardships,

for freedom, equality and fraternity.

But those children who loved posh life

flirt with friends to reach afar.

They slipped to the vast horizons of-

Zealots and rackets of under world.

They trample our tradition with indignity

And punch the heart of loved ones.

They ramble as rogues and frauds

Sink in different kinds of misdeeds.

Rape, rapine became routine and shameless.

Sells narcotics and kills fellow beings,

With out any mercy or guilty conscience.

Corporate politicians, capitalists,

God fathers of illicit nexus,

Prophets of globalization and liberalization

Becomes guides and inspiration.

A rush of the tide lifts them up

In the sky of hopes and dreams,

a world of money, power and wealth.

Cyclones throw them down to the deepest

ocean of darkness, silence and death.

Nirmala James


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